Footy Is An Outnumber And Groundball Game

Uncategorized Sep 11, 2021
When to run?
Where to position?
Where to go to be in play?
How to be in the game?
Every decision a player makes in these areas should be based on where the
ball is and the numbers around it. Every time the ball is on the ground there
is an opportunity to win it.
If a player is inside 1 kick away and the ball is in dispute and the outcome is
uncertain, they should go over to the contest area. WHY? To create an
outnumber. Footy is an outnumber and ground ball game. The team with more numbers, they're likely to win the ball.
If a player is inside 1 kick away and ball is going to be won by teammates then hold out and run to create attacking options.
If the opposition win the ball locate opponents and shut down options for them.
Sounds simple in words but in reality incredibly challenging. An odd shaped
ball that can bounce anywhere, high speed movement and change of direction, brutal contact and fatigue. Decisions that look easy from the grandstand have to be made in a split second on the ground.
The ‘Coach” of the 20th century Norm Smith had one main philosophy....'wherever the ball goes we have more numbers”.
Roll a ball into 3 v 1 contest. Watch what unfolds then ask yourself. Why did the outnumber win the ball and clear it away? Or. Why was the defender able to create confusion or win the ball?
You are on your way to working out why footy is an outnumber and ground
ball game.

50% Complete

Two Step

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