Coaching & Teaching

Uncategorized Sep 11, 2021
Who is in front of me?
When teaching or coaching ask yourself that question.
Success on the senior level of sport starts with improving the experience for the children in the sport.
It starts with coach education, but before we start teaching the coaches, get clear on what the game is about in the first place.
It Is the player.
How do we get young people to love the game?
Create simple methods of play with them. Play games in training where they can participate. Let them be free to play to play and observe them and help if it’s necessary.
It starts with coach education, but before we start teaching the coaches, get clear on what the game is about in the first place. It's the player. To improve results at senior level start improving the game for younger players.
To do that coaches must understand the needs, values and priorities of the players in front of them.
Then adapt the environment to fit them. You coach the person not the sport.
Great coaches understand that coaching is a relationship business.
Knowledge of the sport matters but it is not sufficient. It is 10-20% of what we do. The other 80-90% is about the person in front of you.
The learner takes centre stage. They are the participant in the decision making creating autonomy and understanding of the actions and behaviours leading to improvement.
The coaches become facilitators, asking the right questions to help understanding. Establishing an environment where the players make decisions, explore and assess choices while the coach guides rather than telling.
Coach may ask.
What did you just see there?
What is working well?
Are we creating passing options?
Why is the ball moving quickly?
What does it look like when its working well?
This is how young players learn to really feel and see the game. It gives them a method of play which enables greater participation. Couple this with competency and confidence grows rapidly.
They crave to play, their love for the game grows and they are developing far greater life skills.

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